For a group of more than 5 people, it is possible to use the services of the restaurant
U Děravého hence, when the food is delivered directly to Chata Markétka. Any menu can be arranged, according to the wishes of the guest. Meals are cooked exclusively from fresh and local ingredients.
- Breakfast: CZK 150 (in the form of a buffet), served from 7:00.
- Lunch: CZK 180 + soup CZK 45
- Dinner: 180 CZK
- Half board: 330 CZK
- Full board: 555 CZK
It is also possible to order catering services for family celebrations, weddings and corporate events.
Food must be ordered at least 48 hours in advance. If you are interested in, please contact the owner of Chata Markétka Mrs. Horká +420 736 484 678